This series on “Chest Trauma”, edited by Dr. Christopher F. Janowak from University of Cincinnati, presents current insights into thoracic injury management. The topics are wide raging - from rib fractures to diaphragmatic injury, from bony injury to pulmonary parenchymal injury. Contributing authors include leading experts in trauma and acute care surgery, thoracic surgery, and orthopedics.
Christopher F. Janowak, MD, FACS
Section of General Surgery, Department of Surgery, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH, USA
Dr. Christopher Janowak is a graduate of Loyola University Chicago – Stritch School of Medicine. He completed his surgical residency at the University of Wisconsin and a fellowship in Trauma and Surgical Critical Care at Indiana University. He is currently an Associate Professor of Surgery in the College of Medicine at the University of Cincinnati, Ohio, USA.
Dr. Janowak is a fellow of the American College of Surgeons and an active member of several professional organizations, including the Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma (EAST), the Association of Academic Surgeons, and the Chest Wall Injury Society. He practices Emergency General Surgery and is heavily involved in surgical education. His research interests are diverse, focusing on the development of large-scale, injury-specific databases, chest injury research—including thoracic trauma and pulmonary contusion—surgical critical care, and outcomes studies.
Series outline:
- Ballistic penetrating thoracic injury
- Tube thoracostomy for the management of acute post-injury pleural space complications
- Chest physiotherapy following bony thoracic injury
- Surgical stabilization of sternal fractures
- Lateral implosion injury
- Management of traumatic diaphragmatic hernia
- Contemporary pulmonary contusion management
- Role of intercostal nerve block and cryoneurolysis in the management of rib fractures
- An update on rib fracture classification systems
The series “Chest Trauma” was commissioned by the editorial office, Current Challenges in Thoracic Surgery without any sponsorship or funding. Christopher F. Janowak serves as the unpaid Guest Editor for the series.